Graham Stewart continues to mislead the public by implying:
- that we get our gas from Russia (we don't) as justification for new exploration in our region for outdated fossil fuels.
- by claiming West Newton is in no way a fracking site. In reality, a mini-frac was attempted there on the Bowland Shale in August 2014 (it went badly wrong). An honest statement would be: "West Newton is not a site for HIGH VOLUME fracking."
So is he incompetently incorrect, or deliberately misleading?
Fracking Myth #2: "Putin could turn off our gas supply."
Fact: We do not rely on Russia for our gas supply.97% of our imported gas comes from Norway, Holland and Qatar.
Therefore President Putin could not turn off the UK's gas supply, even if he wanted to. Making false statements like this in the media is just a way to frighten the British public into supporting fracking.
So where exactly do we get our gas from?
According to the 2014 Government DUKES report, the main sources of UK gas imports are:
Norway [pipeline] 57%
Qatar [LNG*] 24%
Holland [pipeline] 15%
Belgium [pipeline] 1%.
*LNG = Liquified Natural Gas
The UK also exports gas to Belgium, Holland and Ireland.